
Hello, and welcome to our blog.

We are a team of three girls working to raise awareness for domestic violence, both spousal and child abuse, as well as the long lasting impacts that this can cause for families and children.

Our team was founded through a school project in which we were required to raise awareness, create a site, and participate in activism for a particular cause we care about. I was drawn towards domestic violence because it’s so incredibly common and so many people face this issue in their home. In our next few blog posts, we will be giving a brief introduction to three difference types of domestic abuse; child neglect, physical child abuse, and spousal abuse, which is going to be our main focus in this project.

We hope you will take part in the road ahead in activism for this pressing issue in our society.


Featured post

Welcome II

Hi I am Tasnia, a student from The Baccalaureate School for Global Education. I am working with two fellow peers on our journey to raise awareness about domestic violence.

We hope that you will join us in raising awareness for this issue that happens more often than you would think.

In this process we are required to create a a blog, participate in activism, and raise awareness about a topic we particularly care about. The reason that we are doing this project together is because we all share the common interest to raise awareness about domestic abuse. What interested me so much in this topic was that so many go through this and feel as if they have no power to help themselves. There are also so many types of domestic violence, including child abuse, physical and emotional, neglect, and spousal abuse. We will be covering child abuse, but our goal is mainly concerned with spousal abuse.


Featured post

Welcome III

Hello all, My name is Fiona and I am a student at BSGE. We are doing a project on activism and we were told to chose a topic that meant something to us. I’ve people close to me experience domestic abuse and it is something I am not likely to forget for a long time. We created this website to spread awareness about domestic abuse and to open peoples eyes either on how to help or how to recognize abusive relationships. Thank you for coming on this journey with us, Fiona.

Featured post


Tasnia, Fiona, and I started this blog as a technology project for school. Our semester is now concluding, but Fiona is still going to post regularly here as well as on social media, and remember that our petition is still out there for everyone to sign.

we have only gotten two signatures and one of them was me so remember to sign please 🙂

We have a link to our petition on change.org from our home page on wordpress.

Goodbye for now!

Check Out Our Instagram!

Hello there! As you guys are aware, my fellow peers and I have been working extremely hard on producing informational content for our blog. What you might not have known about is that we also have an Instagram account for our cause as well.

Our Instagram handle is: @domesticabuseawareness_

The above post is just one of the many posts that my peers and I have created. In our posts we include an inspirational quote to inspire others to remain strong and have faith that things will get better.

Please check out our Instagram page and give us a follow!

Look At Our Instagram!

We have been very active on our Instagram please go check it out! We want to spread awareness and hopefully make peoples days a little better, so check it out and please support.


I really want to travel all over the world one day. I haven’t been to many countries, and some countries I want to go to really badly are New Zealand, Argentina, Turkey, and Brazil.

This summer my mom and I are going to visit her side of the family in Spain. I am close with her side of the family, so I’m excited to see them. I am also excited because we will be taking a road trip together to a beautiful national park in Spain called Los Picos de Europa:

There are a lot of beautiful hikes you can take there.
It has greenery as well as rocky mountains and lakes.

If you have visited any places you really enjoyed you can comment them below.

Follow us For Inspiration!

We have an Instagram! We post inspirational posts to help motivate women and brighten your day! We hope that the quote will help motivate people to educate themselves about domestic abuse and to help spread recognition for all the women that need help in abusive relationships. We have quotes such as:

“It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind.”

Our goal with our Instagram is to utilize social media to spread awareness about abuse and the victims’ mindsets. We hope that these quotes and posts will help motivate people to learn more about needed legislation and support for the thousands of people abuse and in need of help.

Verbal Abuse

What is verbal abuse?

Verbal abuse can be considered as a way to maintain control and power over an individual, a significant other. It can also be thought of as ways that someone tries to dominate or control their partner. This is usually done by the abuser for the reasons that it makes them feel powerful and assert dominance over their victims.

Some types of verbal abuse are more obvious than others, some are more subtle such as:

  • Withholding
  • Countering
  • Discounting
  • Verbal abuse disguised as jokes
  • Blocking and diverting
  • Accusing and blaming
  • Judging and criticizing
  • Trivializing
  • Undermining
  • Threatening
  • Name calling
  • Forgetting
  • Ordering
  • Denial
  • Abusive anger


Petition Update

GUYS WE NEED YOUR HELP. With only 2 signatures we are nowhere near our goal of 100 signatures. There is no way to be able to make significant change with only 2 signatures. Please go sign our petition, it is for an extremely worthy cause!

“98% of people in an abusive relationship experience financial abuse, that can take away the ability they have to support themselves. 60% of people who experienced economic abuse report losing their jobs as a result, and people who experience domestic abuse miss more work, are late more often, and may be less productive due to PTSD and other issues. We want protection and support for people who experience domestic abuse in their relationships to avoid them losing their jobs, which may force them to stay in the relationship longer.”

Economical abuse is an extremely serious issue and many are stuck in an economically abusive relationship and are not able to get out of it. By signing this petition we will be able to make some change and bring awareness to our cause.

Link to our Petition: http://chng.it/RPD4tvtTJj

Basic Information

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence is also known as intimate partner violence, domestic abuse, dating violence, spousal abuse, and intimate partner abuse. It is any form of maltreatment that happens in a romantic relationship between adults or adolescents.

What are the types of domestic violence?

  • Physical
  • Verbal
  • Emotional
  • Mental
  • Psychological
  • Sexual
  • Economic/financial
  • Spiritual abuse

Who are possible victims of domestic violence?

Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence, does not matter gender, race, sexuality. As long as they are in a romantic relationship, and they are being abused, it is called domestic abuse.


“Surviving Domestic Abuse is Like Being a Refugee”

There are many stories that people share after they have been abused, many strong men and women who share their stories.

I knew in my heart there was no reason to stay because the home I’d built with my husband, expecting to grow old there, was now a daily battlefield.  The house even bore scars to bear witness.  Like a refugee, I sought help.  First from my church, who assured me if I prayed enough and dodged enough bullets in the meantime, that the terrorist I was living with would surely improve slowly over time, if only my faith were strong enough.  The responsibility of the terrorist changing was placed on me.  

This specific survivor compares being in an abusive relationship to being a refugee, and I think that the reason for that is mainly because they are aware that they have to get out of that dangerous situation and leave the life that they built. They also decided to seek help, however I believe that they did not receive the proper care that they needed. Instead, the advice that they got was that they should stay in hopes of things improving. This might not be the easiest thing to do, but definitely the safest option.

Source: https://joyforrest.wordpress.com/2019/03/19/surviving-domestic-abuse-is-like-being-a-refugee/

Domestic Abuse: Men

Domestic violence against men comes in many forms, sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and more. In cases where men are the victims of sexual abuse it is usually more difficult to identify the signs that they might be showing.

Early in the relationship, your partner might seem attentive, generous and protective in ways that later turn out to be controlling and frightening. Initially, the abuse might appear as isolated incidents. Your partner might apologize and promise not to abuse you again.

You might be in an abusive relationship if your partner:

  • Stops you from seeing family members or friends
  • Tries to control how you spend money, where you go or what you wear
  • Acts jealous or possessive or constantly accuses you of being unfaithful
  • Threatens you with violence or a weapon
  • Hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, chokes or otherwise hurts you, your children or your pets
  • Forces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts against your will
  • Blames you for his or her violent behavior or tells you that you deserve it


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